In the wake of Monday's events in Boston, I've seen about a million and one articles pictures, and posts on nearly every media outlet and social networking site. Some are graphic, some are tragic, some are uplifting. Some focus on the negative, and some focus on the positive. Today, as I got home from work and settled in to mindlessly surf the internet before bed, I came across something that truly touched me. The pictures will speak far louder than any words I write could. Even if they only reach 5 people by my posting them, I want to spread the love as much as I can. Enjoy, and know that there is good in the world. Also, click the link after the pictures to read the story behind them. It's touching.
Also, my kids like to spread happiness and joy. So, here are a few pictures of some real, live princes and princesses (that's what I call them everyday, so just go along with it!)
These outfits are an everyday thing. See? Princesses! |
Princess Ahrim |
Prince Gyuyeong |
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