Monday, January 30, 2012

Temple of the Moon

Hi friends!

So exam week was awesome, but the days post exam week are even more awesome! I obviously had to do no planning which is great, but I also get to sit on my butt during all of my classes! I have the quizzes and grades, so students can come in as they please to check their grades and then leave after they've asked questions. No one came to my first two classes, so I sat on the computer and talked to Mom for a while. A few of my jovenes came, but they left after getting their grades and asking if I was going to be their teacher next month (how cute). So now I get to play on the computer and update my blog! Aren't you all lucky. And tomorrow, I get to sleep in!!! We come in at 9:00am, have a meeting, then grade exams if we had any (as opposed to quizzes, exams are 2 days long). We finish up at 5! It's like a normal human being's schedule for once. Should be spectacular. Oh, and it's payday! The rest of the week is "first days of classes" so not much to plan for. Such a great week.

As for this weekend, it was another good one! We went out for a few drinks on Thursday because Friday we just had to give exams. I'm really in love with this "maracuya sour" drink. It's a Pisco Sour, but made with fresh passion fruit (maracuya) juice. Delicious! Friday we had a few drinks at our house, then I went with my friend Maddy to salsa a little bit (i just watched this time...), and the rest of the gang met us out later. Saturday we went to brunch at this adorable little place that has phenomenal waffles. I haven't had a waffle in so long, it was a treat. Afterwards, we went to the market to get some produce. I was adventurous this time and finally got some fruit like apples and peaches. Maddy gets fruit and veggies all the time and hasn't gotten sick, so I'm throwing caution to the wind and eating what I want! We had a relaxed night...I made curry-ginger-lentil soup again and we watched 50/50. Great movie if you haven't seen it yet. Sunday, I woke up early and went to free yoga finally! It felt phenomenal. I'll definitely be going every week. Maddy made us breakfast at her place, and then we hiked up to the Temple of the Moon up in the hills above the city. It is definitely my favorite hike in Cusco so far. You would never know that there's a city just over the next hill. I'm definitely taking all of my visitors there.

All good things here in Cusco! I have at least 2 packages on their way which really gives you something to look forward to....thanks Mom & Aunt Cathy! Love love love my friends & family!

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