Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Third world problems

I should really be sleeping, but my melatonin hasn't kicked in yet so here I am. The 2nd week of teaching is going better than the first. My students are awesome and funny. It's very rewarding to teach to a class that actually listens and wants to learn the material. They participate, they ask questions, they challenge me. I love it. I've gotten better at lesson planning and actually got most of my week finished up today. Yay! My sleep schedule needs work, but I'm surviving. I'm generally asleep by 12 and up by 5:45am. For those of you who know me well enough, you know that I'm an 8 hour girl (at least) so this is not fun for me. But, if I'm lucky I'll get a 1-2 hour nap during my break...or a shower. Usually it's one or the other. Speaking of showers, I've been making a mental list of things that I miss (and took for granted) in the States.

1. Reliable hot water.
Since moving into my new place, I've had maybe 4 hot showers. Most are lukewarm. The past 2 days however, we haven't had hot water at all. This is why deodorant and perfume were invented! (yes, ew)

2. Drinking water when I want, where I want.
I can't believe there are countries in which there is no such thing as potable drinking water. Having to BOIL water and then let it cool just to have a freaking glass of water is God-awful. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of waste this country must produce from water bottles. NOT a fan. I miss my fridge that gave me cold, delicious water whenever I wanted it.

3. Sanitation.
In Peru, you can't flush toilet paper. You throw your toilet paper in a waste basket next to the toilet. Yes, even in public bathrooms. Just think about that for a second....

4. Food
Sweet Jesus I miss food from home. Things that don't exist or are not the same here include: Peanut butter, cheese, all dairy products, coffee, meat, pizza...I could go on. Seriously, peanut butter costs about $6 a jar and is Peter Pan brand. They don't have JIF. I am dying. And cheese? Forget about it. I think they have 1-2 types of cheese here. Neither are good. Dear cheddar, brie, and feta...I miss you. I also hate the fact that when I buy produce at the market, I have to wash it in water that I had to boil and let cool. Even then, I'm still taking a risk that I'll contract some sort of parasite....

5. Doing my own laundry.
Laundromats don't even exist here. You drop your clothes off and pick them up later or the next day. This means anything that says "handwash" or anything you don't want to wash in your own sink. Sweet.

I'll add to this later I'm sure, but for now...everyone appreciate what you've got because there are people in the world living in much worse conditions than even my spoiled American butt can imagine.
Also, if you're feeling generous and want to send care packages, I won't be mad! Peanut butter, nuts, scented candles, and toiletries (all either nonexistent or outrageously priced here) are always appreciated :)

OH! Also, thanks to everyone for the love and support during Mom's surgery & recovery! Such amazing friends and family we have.

Much love<3

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